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I could not believe it was mode1. My best CPC game so far! Thank you for this incredible piece of dev.  It would have been such a blast back then...

Great game, thanks.

Brilliant game, such a great version.  This is my tribute...

Good job.

Amazing. The visual style you chose is a masterpiece in its own. Thank you for such a feat!
Just two minor things about the credits: 
- it's MICHITAKA, not MICHIKATA - typo!
- The 2D artist was Rie YATOMI at the time. Later on she married Michishito Ishizuka, but at the time she was nubile.
Source: I interviewed Tsuruta 20 years ago and the MAME history dat info comes from there. 


Oh no, I didn't notice the typo - I will have to fix 

very good

No tengo palabras

Absolute madness. This is insane. Thanks for bringing such a beast to the Amstrad CPC! :)

Breathtaking! I never knew the CPC was capable of this!

This game is pure magic and love on the Amstrad CPC. Your work are absolutely amazing!! My most sincere congratulations!!

Awesome game, congratulations 🙂

Awesome game!

Unbelievable version,i thought the original by elite was great,but this is on another level,done a video for my channel 

Awesome version and with classic Amstrad CPC 464. Love it ! and thank you.

(2 edits)


This BOMB JACK for Amstrad CPC is a real "bomb"!!!😍

Thank you.